A few years ago I rented a flat. I loved it, and do you know why? Two beautiful Van Gogh canvasses adorned the flat – one (Irises) hung on a wall in the kitchen and the other (Sunflowers) in the bedroom.
The paintings weren’t originals, but so what? Reproductions give pleasure as well, providing that they are products of high quality.
Requirements for Plot and Genre
Don’t buy an art reproduction because an artist is considered trendy. Order a copy of the particular work you like best.
Not every picture fits harmoniously in the interior of a dwelling. The theme of a painting matters as well.
Let’s say, The Scream by Edvard Munch ranks among great masterpieces. Meeting with the piece of art in the Munch Museum will probably be one of the most inspiring events of your life.
However, if the painting is the first thing at which you look every morning, I’m afraid you will become depressed. Select a plot not evoking such strong emotions – a country landscape, a nice bunch of flowers.
The same goes for colors. Nobody can enjoy very bright paint colors all day long. You are no exception.
Tips for a Buyer
Hand-painted pictures look luxurious, like a true painting from a gallery. Do they have any drawbacks? Yes, they do.
Such works cost a pretty penny. In spite of their high prices, they’re often inaccurate. Only an extremely skilled artist is able to recreate all the tiny details that make the original great. You ideally should find an artist who focuses solely on the copying of the particular master’s works.
As a customer, you’ll have to find out whether the artist creates professional canvases. Some painting reproduction shops just use plain cloth covered with glue. That’s absolutely not comparable to premium-grade commercial material.
You’ll face one more difficulty: an oil painting needs framing. Choosing a suitable frame is a task that cannot be solved without a good eye and, again, some expenses.
Photographic posters are a cheaper alternative. They have no differences from the original in technique. The general tone may differ, though: the camera distorts colors a bit and, therefore, the mood of the paintings.
If you want to buy an art poster online, read some customer reviews before placing an order. Customers usually draw attention to flaws of that sort.
Ask for a print the same size as the original. The identical length and width are preferable because artists always paint keeping these parameters in mind. Reducing the size is fraught with the loss of important elements; increasing size leads to a rougher, more primitive display of brush strokes.
Having chosen an art print, learn all you can about the company which sells it.
Get into the character of a picky buyer and everything will be OK!